Platform still open
Sep 5, 2021
The 2021 DHS Annual conference closed. The convenors thank all active participants for their valuable contributions making the exchange lasting and unforgettable. The conference platform is open until Sunday, 12 September. Registered delegates can still access and find all recorded, and pre-recorded content in the Delegates showcase section. The proceedings will be published in early 2022. Click here.
Virtual Book Fair
Aug 5, 2021
During the conference breaks and supported by a range of international publishing houses, authors present their books and writing projects ranging from Penny Sparke’s Nature Inside to Swiss Graphic Design Histories research project. Enjoy listening to Monika Dommann and Jonas Voegeli presenting Data Centers: Edges of a Wired Nation. Zeina Maasri introduces Cosmopolitan Radicalism: The Visual Politics of Beirut’s Global Sixties, Sara De Bondt talks about Off the Grid: Belgian Graphic Design History, and Claude Lichtenstein presents his forthcoming The Gravity of Ideas. Click here.
Early Bird Tickets Until 31st July
Jul 14, 2021
We look forward to four Keynote lectures, 29 sessions, two workshops, exhibitions and a book fair. In connected live conversations, all attendees will be able to network and make new acquaintances. Let’s reimagine together the relations between design and history. Join the challenge of participating at the first virtual DHS annual conference in an inspiring, and rewarding way. Get your Early Bird Ticket here until 31st July!
DHS Student Forum Pre-Conference Events
Jul 06, 2021
The Design History Society will host three events led by students and early career researchers in response to the theme of the DHS 2021 Annual Conference, Memory Full? Reimagining the relations between design and history. A combination of community building and hands-on workshops will explore the playful, yet critical, motto forget-full? An invitation to reflect on practices that produce erasure, ostracism, forgetfulness. Learn more and register here.
Registration for Memory Full? is now open!
Jun 21, 2021
Registration for DHS Annual Conference 2021, Memory Full? is open! Registration grants access to the virtual conference platform from August 25 to September 12. Click here to register, click here to view the programme.
New Keynote selected by the DHS student forum
May 15, 2021
The DHS annual conferences are keen to support the engagement of early career researchers. This year the convenors asked the DHS Student Forum to curate a keynote lecture for the conference. They unanimously decided for Ahmed Ansari, who will engage in a conversation with Tai Cossich (PhD student, DHS Student Officer) and Sandra Bischler (PhD Student, member of the Convenor Team).
DHS Bursary applications
Jun 3, 2021
Design History Society is now accepting applications for conference bursary until midnight on Thursday 15th July (extended deadline). This bursary is open to student and precariously-employed speakers whose papers have been accepted for the DHS 2021 annual conference; Memory full? Click here to apply.
New Keynote selected by the DHS student forum
May 15, 2021
The DHS annual conferences are keen to support the engagement of early career researchers. This year the convenors asked the DHS Student Forum to curate a keynote lecture for the conference. They unanimously decided for Ahmed Ansari, who will engage in a conversation with Tai Cossich (PhD student, DHS Student Officer) and Sandra Bischler (PhD Student, member of the Convenor Team).
The CFP is now closed
Mar 2, 2021
We thank all participants who have sent a proposal!
All submissions will be double blind peer-reviewed by the conference scientific committee. Communication of acceptances or rejections will be communicated along April.
For any queries please contact
We go Fully digital
Feb 5, 2021
For the first time, we will host the DHS Annual Conference online. Our twofold objective is to reduce the environmental impact of short-term intercontinental travel and enable colleagues from any geography to participate in the conference regardless of distance or available travel funding. The CfP looks forward to (re-)activating dialogue and scientific exchange and encourages to test engaging formats of the remote attendance. Join the challenge of experiencing the first virtual DHS annual conference in a convivial, inspiring, and rewarding way.
The CFP is now closed.
We thank all participants who have sent a proposal!
We are back
Nov 13, 2020
One of the core questions of the Call for Papers when it was originally published in late 2019 was “How can the memory of design be interpreted, shared, mined or performed?”. Despite the enthusiastic response to the call, with over 250 applications received, the conference was postponed and rethought in the wake of the 2020 pandemic outbreak and the attendant rapid reconfiguration of social space. The question gained a renewed urgency in the light of the global wave of indignation that followed the latest string of deaths at the hands of law enforcement in the United States, and the subsequent calls for action to unearth, understand, and disarm the deep histories of violently and colonially acquired hegemony.
The convenor team acknowledges that the events of 2020 had a palpable impact on the academic landscape and expedited the need to address issues that require vigorous action. The 2021 DHS Annual Conference will implement a virtual model of academic exchange, in which new formats of remote attendance engage both presenters and audience. The twofold objective is to reduce the environmental impact of short-term intercontinental travel, and to enable colleagues from any geography to participate to the conference regardless of distance or available travel funding. The CfP looks forward to testing new ways to (re-)activate dialogue and scientific exchange.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!